Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Writing Comp Deadlines for April

If you want to try your hand at entering a competition, get in there fast because all these opportunities expire this month. If you're successful, we'd love to know about it so drop us a line. Information collated by Sally Quilford, who is a regular columnist at Writers' Forum Magazine - and who blogs here.

30th April

Dark Tales Short Story Comp

Story: 5000 wds. Fee: £3 or £5 with critique. Prizes: £250/£50/£25. Entry: web

Earlyworks Press Myth and Legend Story and Poetry Comps

Story: 2000 wds. Poems: 40 lines max. Theme: Old magic in a new age - includes picture prompts Fee: £5 per entry, up to 6 poems or 5 stories for £20. Prizes: £50/10x£10 plus copy of anthology for each winner. Entry: Web Post: Earlyworks Press, Creative Media Centre, 45 Robertson Street , Hastings , Sussex TN34 1HL.

Momaya Short Story Comp 2009

Story: 3000 wds. Theme: (optional) Alienation. Fee: £8 Prizes: £110/£55/£30/10xhonourable mention and publication. Entry: web (or email

Pulsar Poetry Comp

Poem: 40 lines max. Fee: £2.50 1st poem, £1.50 others. Prizes: £125/£75/£50. Entry: web post: Poetry Competition Administrator, Pulsar Poetry Magazine, 34 Lineacre, Grange Park, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN5 6DA, UK

Southport Writers Circle Poetry Comp 2009

Poem: 40 lines max. Fee: £3 per poem. Prizes: £200/£100/£50/humour and local prizes £25. Rules: entrants with Liverpool and Preston postcode mark top right hand corner of envelope with an "L". Entry: web: post: POETRY Competition, Southport Writers' Circle, 32 Dover Road, Birkdale, Southport, Merseyside, PR8 4TB

Templar Poetry Pamphlet and Collection comp

Poems: 18-24 pages. Fee: £18 Prizes: 4x £500 and pamphlet publication. Entry: web: post Templar poetry, PO Box 7082, Bakewell, Derbyshire, DE45 9AF

Ver Poets Open Comp 2009

Poems: 30 lines max. Fee: £3 or 4 for £10 then £2 others. Prizes: £500/£300/£100/1x£100 for young writer. Entry: web post Competitions Secretary, 181 Sandridge Road, St Albans, Herts AL1 4AH

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